Karan Johar's Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, which is set for a Diwali release in two weeks, was drawn into a new controversy today as a group of nearly 450 cinema owners said it will not screen films with Pakistani actors given "public sentiment" over terror attacks from across the border. Mr Johar's film stars Pakistani actors Fawad Khan, who has a sizeable fan following in India, and Imran Abbas. "We have not put a ban ...we have suspended the release of the films where Pakistani artistes and technicians are involved," said Nitin Datar, the chief of the Cinema Owners and Exhibitors Association of India. The association is largely linked to single screen cinemas, not multiplexes, and has members in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Goa. A strong critic of the group's stance is one of its members, Censor Board chief Pahlaj Nihalani, who said there is no legal basis for the move. "Films already shot before changed relations between India ...
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