How to Launch a Makeup Brand and Sell Online: The Ultimate Guide

I need a new mascara. Loyal as I am to certain beauty brands, I’m currently a free agent in the mascara department. 👀 There are well over 200 beauty brands sold through my local drug store, and another 250+ represented by Sephora. Any one of those brands may sell 10 different mascaras, promising every feature from lengthening to curling to water resistance. As a customer, I’m faced with a good problem—there’s too much choice. For would-be entrepreneurs pursuing a business idea in the beauty space, this saturation presents a real challenge. Those with the ability to go quick to market, can jump on makeup trends and fill gaps in the industry. Is there really room for another BB cream? Another matte lipstick? How do you, a budding makeup brand founder, get your products to stand out in a crowded market? How does a new mascara get visibility among the literal thousands? Luckily, ecommerce solutions and access to manufacturing resources have democrat...